Listen! Do you hear it? The jingling of Christmas bells and the happy giggles of children. Yes! Christmas is here once again. Time to celebrate, share and shower love on all your dear ones and also time to decorate the house/office to bring in the joy of the season!

This is exactly what this post is about. It is the story of how 3 loose branches of an artificial Christmas tree turned out into a charming little Angelic Tree.

Our big Christmas tree at work had unfortunately its branches on its lowest level falling off (and I’m still wondering how). Though we had attempted to tie them back,ย  they would only appear like dead branches at the bottom of the tree. So, this year, I decided I’d literally remove all of them ๐Ÿ˜› And so did I.

Oh but don’t feel saaad! The Christmas tree is all radiant now plus, with 3 of those branches put together, I got one extra tree ๐Ÿ˜€

The idea was then to decorate it with special handmade decorations. Since I was planning to put it in the Director’s office, one great idea cropped up in my mind: I would make special paper angels to hang on the tree, each of them representing one member of the staff.

The internet is full of templates, tutorials and blog posts about making angel paper decorations. I ended up mixing and adding ideas to make up my own angels. First, I cut out angel forms out of golden card paper and with a large ribbon , I decided to make the wings, as shown below:

Cutting out angel from card paper

I tied a golden string to the wings from behind before gluing them. This would make the string to hold the decoration on the tree later on.


Gluing the wings

To add some glow and shine, I glued little rhinestones on the base of the angel’s robe and as finishing touch, a bow at the angel’s neck.


Gluing the rhinestonesGluing the bow


There you aaare, repeat these steps for as many angels as you wish. Then decorate your Christmas tree with them. By the way, I had decided to decorate the tree out of gold only, this is why the angels are golden ones. With this, you may end up with a cute, beautiful and so symbolical, Angelic Tree.

Angelic Tree by Sou