Tag Archive: chinese new year decoration

Though I haven’t had time to actually create decorations or little gifts for this year’s Spring Festival, I have looked forward to enliven the atmosphere at the office by decorating a bit for the occasion.

As usual, I chose the mirror in the mess room to be the center of the decorations. It always inspires me to play with its reflecting effects πŸ˜› Please note that I am still unsure if I stuck the round decoration on the mirror in the right way, since I cannot decipher the Chinese writings. If anyone could confirm whether it is okay or not, it would be cool πŸ˜›

Every boxes contain savouries like the famous “Gato La Cire“, “Gato Cravatte” and this year’s special was dried mangoes. The traditional “sipeks” were distributed during lunch, separately. Besides, since it’s the new year, it can’t be celebrated without gifts!!! So each box came with its “surprise” – a bit like cereal boxes πŸ˜›

Enjoy the pics and wishing you all a prosperous Year of the Rabbit πŸ™‚

After trying to find what I could make for the Chinese New Year, I finally ended up on paper lanterns. Being on the eve of the celebrations to be held at work, I had only the time to drop by the supermarket (after work of course) and buy coloured paper. I also came across cute boxes with Chinese designs and bought 2 of them to add to my table setting.

When I got home, I also thought about paper fans and made up two out of red tissue paper. The paper lanterns were easily made.Β  I bet most of you did learn it at elementary school and maybe have forgotten about it. Here’s a link for those who wish to refresh their mind πŸ˜‰

Finally, I was left with making the special gifts for Chinese New Year – Chinese Horoscope Strips , which are strips of hard cover paper with each member’s horoscope on it.

There you are the decorations and party favours for this Chinese New Year were all ready and I think everyone enjoyed it πŸ˜€